Saturday, May 12, 2012

I need help

Hey guys, Emmi here and I need help with my blog. I'm trying to get tabs on here, but I don't know how, so if u could leave a comment here, or if u have a Youtube, just add me as a contact & send an email that starts of with " blog help". kk, thanks a bunch!
                                - Emmi

Monday, April 2, 2012

Another blog

addition to another blog of mine. wait a bit till I get the link.go for my other blog that's all AG! don't forget to check out more vids enjoy!

visit me on other blogs!

check us out!
hey guys it's notsoagstudios here and I just want to tell you guys about something, I have 3 other blogs besides this one and I'm going to use them. 1 is for my dolls days, 1 is for AG updates, and 1 is for.... I don't know yet. wait, I have to give you the liks for two other

Sunday, April 1, 2012

notsoagstudios goes XTRANORMAL!

hey guys, Emmi here! I just wanted to tell you guys about the new vid we're posting....... IT'S XTRANORMAL! I'm finished, but I have to wait for crazzy dolls kayla is published.... I'M STILL WAITING! Anyways the name of the video is,the worst,dummest custumur at rite aid. enjoy!
me "dollified" from a how to make ag doll food stopmotion!
                                                                                            -Emmi! ;)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Abbey's day............and thoughts..........

Hey everyone it's Abbey Brooklen here, and I just want to tell you guys how today went so far.  so we made a new video about our daily life, me, Julie,and Angel went to the park, bla bla bla. What I'm really excited about, is SPRING BREAK! It's one of the most fabulus breaks of the year! I want to go to AGP chicago to get my new clothes moma promised me I'd get this year before they retire, but when I ask grama and grampa, they say they don't know! What if "they don't know" means NEVER! If it does, I will soooooooooooooo die! I need to go to AGP and it can be ANYWHERE around america! I don't care! I need my innerstar u back, I need clothes, and I am KOO-KOO for CHOCOLATE CHIP! I even bugged them saying, "I want to go to the American Girl Store!" it was sooooooooo irritating, it bugged me too! Anyways now I'm watching Nick for the KCAs. I'm going to do a report for the KCAs for class! mabey that'll get me an A+! well have to go! 4 hours till the KCAs! bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye!
                                                                              -Abbey~ notsoagstudios

first day

hey guys and welcome to notsoagstudios' blog!
we hope you like how we put it all together. it took us a while, but we finally got our blog and it was worth it. hope you like it.
                                   - notsoagstudios

we also have sneek peeks of new vids coming out on our youtube, notsoagstudios, like this one! ( if you haven't heard of us ,search us up).

this one is for a network called the Abbey network! will be posted the week after this one ;)
hope you like our channel!